
Showing posts from February, 2024

SOAP Integration in Salesforce

If you don’t know the basics of SOAP fear not, because I've got you covered! Dive into the basics of SOAP with my latest blog, ' SOAP Explained: With JavaScript .’ Oh, you already know about SOAP and are here to learn how it works in Salesforce? You've come to the right spot! Let's get started. SOAP Integration in Salesforce SOAP is a protocol where client and server are tightly coupled meaning that minor changes on either side can potentially disrupt the connection.   To use SOAP API, your org must use Enterprise Edition, Performance Edition, Unlimited Edition, or Developer Edition. In all supported editions, a user must have the API Enabled permission turned on in the user profile they’re assigned.  In Salesforce, Apex SOAP web services(It is like a class) allow an external application to invoke Apex methods through SOAP Web services. The Web service that is available to you is defined in generated WSDL file. What is WSDL? Web Service Description Language is a file t...